
Unlock Your Potential : Let This Story Change Your Life

the emperor's seed
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Hello friends!, I think this story will change your life and mindset. Many years ago a king wanted to elect a new king because he was getting old. He did not want to choose his heirs or his close relatives as the king like everyone else and instead called some of the youths of the country. He told them that he was getting old and that he was going to choose one of you as king. Everyone present was surprised to hear what the king said. From there the king gave a plant to everyone and told them to plant it and grow it and then come and see me after a year.

Many years ago a king wanted to elect a new king because he was getting old

He said, “After a year you will bring the plant and I will say who among you will be the next king“. Among those who went to see the king that day was a boy named Lee. He also got a seed. Him bought this seed and went home. Leader told his mother what had happened and planted the seed in a pot. Every day he looked at the spring to see if it had grown, but even after two or three weeks, it did not seem to have grown. Whenever Lee went to see his friends, his friends told him that their plants had grown big and that their plants had started to flower. But Lee kept silent and did not speak to them because his plant did not grow.

Not a Growing Seed

Two or three months passed like this but no plant grew from the seed he had planted. Lee thought that we must have done something wrong, so the plant wouldn’t grow. But everyone else started talking about them growing huge plants and trees. But if Lee remained silent and did not say anything to them, his plant would not grow till the end and a year passed and it was time to see the king. Everyone took the plant they had planted to see the king, but Lee was the only one who hesitated whether to take it or not as his plant did not grow. But Lee’s mother told him to take this and go to the palace and tell him honestly what happened. After hearing this, Lee thought it was right to do the same so he took this and went to the palace. 

Two or three months passed like this but no plant grew from the seed he had planted. Lee thought that we must have done something wrong, so the plant wouldn't grow.

Lee’s Honesty

When Lee went there many people had beautiful plants and trees. But Lee stood in the middle of the crowd with a bit of hesitation as he didn’t have any kind of plant growing. After some time the king came and saw them all and was enjoying the plants they had brought. He said that I was going to choose one of you as the next king and he also noticed Lee’s pot that did not grow. After seeing Lee he ordered to bring the boy forward. Lee came forward, fearing that the king might scold him or kill him. When he came forward, The King asked Lee, “What is your name”, to which he said his name was Lee, and when they heard this everyone started laughing.

The king told everyone to be quiet and then announced that Lee is your next king and everyone was shocked to hear this. No one could believe what the king had said and even Lee was confused about how he had chosen himself as a king when he could not even grow a plant. The king told everyone that I have given you all a seed and that seed that has been boiled will never grow. All of you except Lee had been growing different plants and trees, when you found out that the seed I gave you didn’t grow, you burned it and planted a new seed and grew it. But Lee was the only one who planted the seed I gave him and honestly brought it to the palace even though he knew it didn’t grow. So the king said that Lee will be your next king. 

Lee is your next king

Moral of the Story

We can learn from this story that we reap what we sow in life. If we are honest with others we will gain their trust. We do good to others, we will make good friends. Our plant perseverance we will surely succeed. We plant patience in our life we ​​will get long-term improvement. But if we are not honest we cannot earn the trust of others and if we are selfish we will end up alone. If you get greedy, you will lose a lot. Always watch carefully what you sow in your life. Because what kind of seed you plant is the kind of plant you will see in the future. You like this post then share it with your friends and leave your comments about it in the comment box.

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2 responses to “Unlock Your Potential : Let This Story Change Your Life”

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