
Transform Your Life: The Story of the Powerful Motivational Journey

Transform Your Life: The Story of the Powerful Motivational Journey
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Hello friends few years ago there was a mayor of a village who was a very intelligent person in that village. journey, Everyone in that village respected him not only when they embarked on a task but asked him for advice and did it. The Mayor’s son was very lazy and he was hanging around the town with his friends. A few years passed and this mayor also began to grow old and worried about his son’s future as he grew old. He wanted to give something to his family before he left.  So one day he asked his son to come to his room.

What he said is that now you have grown up as an adult, you have to accept the responsibility of the family and move on to the next situation. I want you to know the true purpose of your life if you know it you can always be happy in your life. After saying all this the mayor gave his son a bag.  The bag contained seasonal clothing and more fruits and vegetables, Apart from that, there was some money and a map in it. He said that this map is not an ordinary map it is a treasure map if you follow this map correctly you can reach the way to the treasure.

Real Purpose of Our Life

real purpose of our life

He liked this idea so much that he thought their father had given him a good idea for the first time. The very first day he bought it, he went in search of the treasure, on his way he had to cross forests, hills, and valleys. He had been traveling for months. His met many different people on his way, some gave him food, some gave him shelter, and some looked to cheat him. He began to learn the good and bad qualities of people while traveling. The season was changing as sunny, rainy, and cold. If the weather conditions were too bad he stayed somewhere and continued his journey again. Thus he reached his destination after a year’s journey.

When you go there, it is a mountain peak and below the mountain peak a tree branches and the map shows that there is a treasure nearby. When he reached the spot with difficulty he started digging nearby but he could not find any pressure. He was looking for treasure from there for two days. His searched for two days and found nothing and was very tired. He started to leave thinking that Father had lied to us that there was nothing here. On the way back, the season was changing from sunny to rainy and we had to cross all the forested hills.

But this time he enjoyed all the beautiful scenery and trees and birds he saw on the way. Also, He enjoyed watching the sunset. And when all the fruits and vegetables he brought were finished he hunted and learned how to prepare food. Apart from that he also learned to make a tent for resting. Now he saw the sun and was able to tell what time it was so he could make the appropriate journey. He learned how to protect himself from wild animals.


Tressure Discovery

tressure discovery

While he was searching for the treasure, he saw some people he had helped along the way, stayed with them rendered some help to them, and repaid the debt. He realized how good they were because they helped him along the way without any expectations. It was only when he returned home that he realized that it had been two years since he began his journey. On seeing him his father hugged him in joy and asked him how was your journey and did you find your treasures in that journey. My trip was very good and I learned a lot of things but please forgive me because I think someone took the treasure there before I left.

His father was very surprised to hear him because he thought he would get angry with his father but he apologized to his father. Hearing this, his father told his son with a smile that there was no treasure in that place. Then when his son asked why did you send me to get this treasure, his father said I will definitely tell you but before that, you should tell me whether you liked this trip. I didn’t like this trip because I was so focused on going fast.  Because I was afraid someone else would take the treasure if I didn’t go quickly. So when I left I didn’t enjoy my trip at all but when I came back I enjoyed my trip a lot because I made a lot of new friends along the way.

Not only did I see many unusual things along the way, but I also learned how to survive because I had nothing. He told that I was not very sad that I did not find the treasure because I learned so many new things. And his father said that you are very right that in life we have to run to reach a goal but on the way, we must not forget some good friends and some tressures are around us. Thus he said that we should not lose the real treasures in our lives.

Moral Of Story

So goal in life is just a small step you have to go beyond it and you have a lot to enjoy and live in your life so you have to enjoy your life to the fullest. To know the true purpose of your life, let’s first know who you are. So do whatever you have to do without any fear and then you will get a new kind of experience. If you like this post please share it with your friends and follow our page to learn more about such good things also follow us on youtube and Instagram for more updates.

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