
The Science of Focus: Crafting Your Morning Routine for Subconscious Success

The Science of Focus: Crafting Your Morning Routine for Subconscious Success
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Hello friends usually our morning routine is pretty bad. Then immediately after waking up, we look at our phones and use social media a lot. Then we do our usual fresh-up routine and then go to the office or school. We feel like we can’t be productive and focused, This is why we think that if we have a good morning routine, we can become very successful.

In general, think of yourself as a normal person, The reason we do this kind of morning routine is to stay focused and productive, But if you don’t have a habit, you have to exercise, do medicine, do yoga, do this, do that, and then you get tired when you wake up and follow your routine. We have already done a lot of work for newbies.  Then they will get bored and want to do this too and Drowsiness can occur even when we think our brains are actively using and working.

All of the above generally pay off in the long term but can be a bit difficult for new followers to stick to. Exercise meditation that we can do right after waking up in the morning and writing down what we want to do this day is good for us in the long term, In Overalls makes us an all-rounder without focusing only on work.

This is what top performers usually follow. But as all this has become a habit for them, it is relatively easy for them to complete the daily tasks and then continue with their work. But for those who are newbies and those who are not strong enough, it can be a chore before it becomes a habit. Instead of being focused and productive, they become very tired and exhausted. So if you ask if there is a better option for achieving intense focus, then If you ask if there is a best option, there is one and that is to tap up our brain right after we wake up.

If you don’t understand what I’m trying to say, let me explain, Think of your brain as a fully charged battery after you wake up. Your body as a device will give its full performance only when it is fully charged, As its charge decreases, its performance decreases. After doing the above morning routine as everyone does and after the battery is fully discharged, use it to do important work while your brain is fully charged without starting your daily work. First thing in the morning when you wake up, don’t dedicate your time to just doing your morning routine and get down to work on completing whatever you need to do first.

Do you think big billionaires and millionaires like Elon Musk would feel the same if they didn’t complete their morning routine?  No, isn’t it? So the important purpose of following your morning routine is not to focus only on your morning routine but also on your work so try to focus your attention on that work.

Reflecting on Achievements

Think for yourself if you are running a fitness and workout-related business then it would be more appropriate to give importance to that first but if you are in any other field then you need to do the proper work first. For example, if you are a student or a working professional, you must complete your project or study, which requires a lot of brain activity.

It is for this reason that your brain is active right after you wake up and it is very protective if you do the deep work you need. Because many brain-related studies have shown that our brains are most active in the first 10 to 15 minutes we spend after waking up because the beta and delta brainwaves that occur in our brain while we sleep are very useful for achieving this flow state.

Usually, when you are working on something, have you worked so hard that you don’t even notice the time passing by? This type of the level of focused work that we can easily achieve at this time. So if you bring that kind of feeling to all the work you do, then all the work you do will be quality work. So if you want to do something with full concentration, those first 15 minutes after you wake up are the best time to do it.

Ignite Your Day with Purposeful Rituals

Usually, as soon as you wake up in the morning you stop doing a morning routine like a chore and the day before write down in a notebook what you want to do the next day and wake up in the morning without thinking about anything else and go to sleep with the full attention that I am going to do this thing.

When you do this you will wake up before your morning alarm and start doing your work. By doing this you will have completed 70 to 80 percent of your work before the rest of the world wakes up and does their morning routine. After all this work is done, you can engage in a morning routine like working out and meditating for your health.

Conclusion – A Ritual of Empowerment

So when you wake up in the morning after completing your deep work and then after completing your morning routine you can engage in your daily work, By following this continuously you can give the best output you can. So those first 3 hours we spend after waking up in the morning can determine whether we succeed or not in our life. If you want to be in the top position in your life than others then tap and start using this flow state. You have all the power you need to succeed in your life, use it properly. If you like this post then please share it with your friends to make it useful for them and leave your comments about it in the Comment Section.

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