
Stand Out: Proven Ways to Get Ahead of 99% of People

Stand Out: Proven Ways to Get Ahead of 99% of People
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Hello friends if you want to be better than 99 percent of the people in this world what do you think you need to ahead do for it? Usually, you hear a lot of people come up and say that you have to have a goal and you just have to work hard for it and be consistent.

All these are important things but there is one more important thing that you know what is You have to be willing to do what those 99% of people won’t do. Before you take a step from where you are, you need to make sure you are on the right path. Now let’s see why it’s important to know what we don’t want before deciding what we want.

The Story of a Japanese Soldier

The Story of a Japanese Soldier

In 1944, during World War II, a person named Hiroo Onoda was working in the Japanese Army. He was designated as a commander of a team and sent to an island in the Philippines. He was given orders from the Japanese Army to stand back and fight the American army. Within a few weeks, American troops overran the island and some of the Japanese soldiers there surrendered and many died in the war. But only a few Japanese soldiers ahead who were coming and he was with them stood together and fought against the American soldiers through a gorilla warfare attack. Six months later, a nuclear bomb was dropped on Japan, ending World War II.

But even after the end of the war, Japanese soldiers were scattered in many places and they did not know about the end of the war. Hiroo Onada also does not know the news that the war is over.  So he was also constantly fighting. The Japanese army announced that the war was over and dropped leaflets about it in many places. But he was fighting continuously, thinking that all this was a conspiracy by the American army.

Almost five years after the end of the war, people returned to their normal lives, but he continued to fight and kill the innocent people who came there, thinking that this war wasn’t finished. The Philippine government saw this and tried to explain to them that their war was over, but nothing came of it, so they told the Japanese government about it and asked them to release the news that the war was over. 

Wrong Action with the Right Mindset

But he was fighting for many years thinking that this was also an American conspiracy. In 1959, thinking that this would not be resolved, the Filipinos themselves started fighting against them. As a result, half of the soldiers with him died.  However, he was fighting continuously and spent almost half of his life in that forest. In 1972 Onada’s news spread around the world that some of the Japanese fighters were still fighting in the Philippines when a young Japanese man named Suzuki heard the news.

Suzuki was an adventure-loving explorer and wanted to meet him. So Suzuki came to the Philippines and started looking for Onada and in just four days he found this person whom no government could find for 30 years. It was only when Suzuki said in Japanese that the Emperor was looking for you and was very sad that Onada caught his eye.

Suzuki stayed with him for a few days and asked why he was fighting even after the war was over, he told him that He was given an order not to surrender and they had been following that order for the past 30 years. No matter how disciplined you are how strong you are how smart you are or how you put in the time to do a job for the wrong thing, it won’t give you results. It will be like Hiroo Onada fighting a war that hasn’t existed in 27 years. So having goals and being disciplined are all important things but being able to decide what you want and what you don’t want that capability will take you to the next level.

Stand out from Others

Stand out from Others

If you want the decision you can make to give you a higher impression than 99 percent of people, the decision you can make should be a decision that 99 percent of people wouldn’t make. But when you make that unconventional decision you have to be okay with it. Steve Jobs created Apple by working on what he thought would be ten years from now when everyone would be using personal computers.

Microsoft is the number one software company because they focus on software while everyone else is focusing on hardware. Even Warren Buffett says that in his 52 years of business experience, 12 out of 13 decisions have brought us huge success. So if we look at these types of people who have achieved great things in life, it is one or two decisions they made in life that made them so great.

When you look at the lives of achievers, their lives are not constantly growing, they are ordinary for a long time and suddenly reach 100 percent height because of a few decisions they make right. The more success they get in a life like this, the bigger they reach in their careers. We follow successful people in what they do in life but we have to follow their mindset and we have to get the mindset which way they think and want to progress in life. There is no guarantee that we can win if we think differently than everyone else and do something different. Extreme success is achieved by those who prove that they are right even when they think of many different things.

Think Different Be Different

Think Different Be Different

Always think about what to do rather than how to do something. The second thing is that you have to believe in your idea completely whether it is achievable, even if no one else believes in it. Next, you have to prove what you believe. Only by doing so will the world accept you. Elon Musk has reached this level only because he has done these three things correctly. If you have seen his life, it is because he had the contrarian idea of a few scenes right that he could rise to this level in life.

He made the first big jump in his career with the creation of PayPal, which saves the time it takes to send or receive money normally in the banking system. Similarly, when everyone was using petrol vehicles, he made a huge investment in electric vehicles and continued to struggle to create Tesla, Today thereby reaching the next level. Next, he changed the claim that only the government organization would be involved in space research and became a private organization to create a Space X company that has made many achievements in space research and succeeded in that too.


Now you have a clear vision about these things so before you do a thing you should have a strong reason for Why, If you have a clear why you want to do it, you will be automatically motivated and you will create a to-do list for yourself and keep working on it. So don’t follow the routine of others, and create a strong reason for yourself by creating your routine and continuously making an effort to do it. Follow our page to know the secret of why people who are successful in life continue to succeed. If you like this post, like it and share it with your friends. You can follow our social media pages on YouTube and Instagram to keep up to date with our latest posts.

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