
Pain is Temporary: Endure Now for Long-Term Success

Pain is Temporary: Endure Now for Long-Term Success
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The story of the two stones

The story of the two stones

Hello friends there was a sculptor in a village. Once he thought of making an idol, he used to come out of the house and pain look for huge stones and rocks for it. While he was thus searching he found two stones for making an idol and took the two pieces in his cart and went home. When he came home, he took one of the two stones and started making an idol out of it. When he started to make the idol he started to carve the stone with the roundel then he heard a voice saying stop stop he thought something else had come and started to carve the stone again.

A voice was heard from the stone saying stop stop again. The stone said, “I am afraid to see this hammer and if you carve me with it I will surely perish so leave me and carve an idol with some other stone”. The sculptor also listened to the stone took another stone and started carving the statue. There was no sound when he hammered the stone, so he quickly carved a beautiful idol of the god. After a few days, some people from that village came to the sculptor’s house to take the idol to the temple. The sculptor told the villagers that the idol was ready and they could take it to the temple.

They took the idol to the temple and it was only when he saw the idol that he remembered that he needed a stone to break the coconut.  So when he hammered around the house he couldn’t find any kind of stone so he first picked up the stone that told him not to hit him. So he took the stone to the temple thinking that he could use this stone to break a coconut. The stone said again I am afraid to leave me and everyone went to the temple. They placed this stone near the idol of the god to break the coconut. People worshiped and anointed the beautiful idol of God.

Seeing this, the stone that was kept for cracking coconuts said to this god statue, they are anointing you with milk and worshiping you and you are very happy but they are keeping me here to break coconuts and it is very difficult for me. To that, the idol of the god smiled and said while looking at this stone, “If only you had endured that pain then today you too would have become an idol of God and you would have got all this abhisheka but because you did not endure that pain and temporarily escaped from it, the idol of God said that now you are suffering now”, and the stone also realized its mistake.

The reality of the temporary motivation

The reality of the temporary motivation

When we face a difficult situation in life, if we run away from it instead of facing it, we will only get more pain. But the world will give more respect to those who do not fear the trouble that may come their way and fight against it. Their fame will spread all over the city. Reading or watching these kinds of motivational stories will make you more motivated and start doing a task. At first, you will start doing it very enthusiastically. After a while, you will start to get tired and you will get angry and wonder why it is so difficult. Then you will quit that task thinking that you can’t do anything and this world won’t let you do anything.


All of us have faced this kind of situation and we would have felt angry that this is happening only to me. This way you reach for a door only when you are under a lot of stress. 90% of people will not cross that gate but the remaining 10% will cross that gate and reach their ambitious dream path. If you want to be that remaining 10% of people, bear your pain and start working hard for it. No one can become as successful as you if you do this right. If you like this kind of motivational post please share it with your friends and follow our page to grab more such good things also follow us on YouTube and Instagram for more updates.

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One response to “Pain is Temporary: Endure Now for Long-Term Success”

  1. […] order through regular exercise, a healthful weight loss plan, and sufficient sleep. Their bodily fitness is greater through those behaviors, which additionally raise reminiscence, focus, and cognitive […]

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