
How to Overcome Laziness: 6 Effective Japanese Techniques

How to Overcome Laziness: 6 Effective Japanese Techniques
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Hello friends did you have many plans in your life? Do you want to do something in your life but are procrastinating without doing it? If you know you are lazy but procrastinating without doing the work, this post will be very useful for you. Today we will learn how to get rid of this laziness in the most productive and hard-working country, Japan. Even though their country has been bombed twice and often hit by tsunamis and disasters, they bounce back unexpectedly quickly. The Japanese have always been a great example of hard work and discipline. So here are six techniques to learn from them, each in turn.

Kaizen Technique (Change for the Betterment)

Kaizen Technique (Change for the Betterment)

There was a doctor in Japan named Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara. This doctor was a famous doctor in Japan and lived to be 105 years old. Even in his last years, he continued to work without taking retirement. 

A lady came to him and told me that I am very overweight and I can’t spare time to lose it so please tell me a way to do this. The doctor asked the lady, “If you have a habit of listening to music“, and the lady said I will listen to it, then the doctor said, “Every time you listen to a song, can you dance for just one minute”, the lady said, “I can do it’.

If you have a habit of listening to music

After a week the lady came and told him, Now you dance till the end of the song, and again after a week he said now do some exercise while you dance. By making them do this continuously, he got them into the habit of exercising for one to two hours throughout the year, and as a result, the lady managed to lose 20 kilos. Even if we are lazy in this way, even if we decide to do something right, we can get rid of our laziness by making a small change in our habits and following it consistently. This would have made a huge difference to us in the long term. Are you staying up late every day?  From now on, try to go to bed ten minutes before you go to bed and try to wake up five minutes earlier than normal.

Thus when you start a task that you are doing something rather than just not doing it, the habit will continue and it will become a habit for you and will give you a good result. Why because something is better than nothing. Within a study, companies such as Panasonic, Toyota, and Mitsubishi use this Kaizen Technique and claim that they have achieved better results. The word Kaizen means Kai means Change and Zen means Good, This is called Change for Good or Better Improvement. So you start small but continuously improve it.

Shokunin Spirit

Shokunin Spirit is nothing but expecting excellence in whatever we do. Any job should be done like a master doing it with excellence. And the work should look like a great artist finishing his art, not like an average person. In general, if we want to do this job with excellence and keep working on it, our laziness will leave us. If you work on it dedicatedly instead of doing normal registration duty, you will get the benefit. If you take this spriting and put effort into whatever work you do and think that it should be done in the best possible way, you will surely get a lot for yourself and any work will be given to you and they will appreciate you that it will be done in the best way if they give it to you. So try to achieve excellence in whatever you can do, even if it is a small task.

Ikigai (Purpose of our Life)

Ikigai (Purpose of our Life)

Generally, many people say that if you do your favorite job you will never work a day in your life. But many times there are chances that we don’t get money when we follow our passion. Thus some people will work in a field that is the total opposite of their passion and in whichever field they get the most money. But the more stressed they are the more they seem to have no meaning in life. In the Ikigai concept, You will get full benefit only if you do and work with full focus on what you like and what you are good at. But there is one thing to note.  The thing is, you can easily turn your passion into a profession when you do what you love and think about whether anyone in the world is willing to pay for it.

Wabi Sabi

In this age, we are running towards perfection. Some of us think that having a six-pack is healthy and women are beautiful only if they look like models. Whatever work we do we think we have to do it perfectly and we don’t start it. So we can only achieve our goal by making improvements instead of running towards perfection and this Wabi Sabi mindset is useful for that.

Hara Hachi Bu

Sometimes the reason for feeling lazy is that we eat too much. You must have realized this yourself usually when we study in school and college we feel sleepy after the lunch break. This is when working professionals are not as productive after lunch. So if we eat with 80% stomach fullness, we will not have digestive problems and will not have lazy feelings. The Japanese believe that if we eat 80 percent of this, we will get rid of many diseases and live longer. It can also help you lose weight and save you from laziness.



The Kaikaku is the exact opposite of the Kaizen. Just as in the Kaizen Method we want to start small and gradually bring about a big change, the Kaikaku method is a technique where we want to bring about a big change in a short period. Kaikaku means radical change. If you want to make a big difference in a short period, you should follow this method. When we talk about kaizen, our brain doesn’t accept to join us so quickly.  So we understand that we start little by little.

But if you’re wondering how to make such a big change right away, the 5why concept is there for you. If we want to bring about extreme change in our lives or the work we’re doing, we need to ask ourselves those five why questions. In this way, when we ask why and why questions, we understand the purpose of doing this for ourselves and that becomes a big motivation for us and helps us to do the work continuously. In any case, where we want to bring about a radical change, in that case, we apply the Kaizen method to get rid of starting trouble and work on it little by little and if we progress we can make proper progress and achieve our goal.


So there you have it, the six Japanese methods we discussed in this post. Depending on your life situation, these methods can be applied to whatever you want to improve. As seen in the first example, if you want to lose weight and stay healthy, follow the above steps and apply the kaizen method. Or if you want to get better at your job, take some time to figure out what your Ikigai is. Whether you want to follow Kaikaku to bring out Radical change or follow Kaizen to bring out Better Improvement, do it consistently with Shokunin Spirit. When you think of something as a starting point in your life, don’t think that you have to make it perfect first, clear your imperfection with Wabi Sabi and see success in it continuously. Follow all these things as a combination and try to progress in your life. I hope you find this post useful and like it. For more posts like this follow our page regularly. You can also follow us on YouTube and Instagram

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