
How To Make 10 Crores Revenue from Eco Friendly Products

How To Make 10 Crores Revenue from Eco Friendly Products
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A company started by three friends with just ten thousand rupees in Kolkata, India, has a turnover of 10 crore rupees in just three years. In this post, we will see in detail about who the company is and what they do. One of the most damaging things to our environment is plastic. About 3.5 million tons of plastic waste is produced annually in India alone. Today there is an excessive involvement of plastic in our day-to-day life and daily routines. From the toothbrush used to brush the teeth every morning to the eating plate, the involvement of plastic is high.

Who are they?


If we remove plastic from these daily habits, the amount of plastic waste produced in excess will be greatly reduced. Amwoodo Company gives the solution to this environmental problem. This is a company started in Kolkata in 2019 by three persons namely Agni Mitra, Sourav Dey, and Avijit Rajak. Agnimitra, one of the founders of this company, was working in Germany. People in Germany were using more plastics for their daily routine and also he noticed that they are using more eco-friendly renewal products. In this way, they have reduced their country’s carbon footprint significantly through the use of eco-friendly products. 

They create a safe environment for their future generations.  But in India, the situation is worse. Agnimitra wanted to change this situation.  He left his job in Germany and came to India. Then he did a lot of research along with his friends and found out something important. That is, India has a magical ingredient for making eco-friendly products and that is bamboo. India is the second largest producer of bamboo in the world. Some research suggests that India has the potential to produce more bamboo, and if that happens, India will become the world’s largest bamboo producer. The Amwoodo company makes their eco-friendly products using this bamboo in large quantities. They buy directly from the farmers who can cultivate bamboo and use it, so the farmers also get a good profit.

Success Story of Amwoodo

Success Story of Amwoodo

Amwoodo Company manufactures and sells more than 850 products such as bamboo toothbrush straws and bottles. Their products are not only sold in India but also exported to Western countries like Germany, Sweden, and UAE. Apart from that, they are providing plastic products required by many corporate companies and big companies. As we have seen earlier, this company started with an investment of just ten thousand rupees and has achieved an annual turnover of 10 crore rupees in just three years. Agni Mitra, the company’s owner, says, “Beyond this turnover, we aim to reduce the excessive use of plastic in India”. Whatever new business you want to start during this period, you should ensure that the disturbance does not cause any harm to the surrounding environment.


Governments all over the world have started moving towards sustainability. They have also started formulating appropriate policies. In a few years, there will be no vehicles that can run on petrol and diesel. There are going to be electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles that can promote sustainability. Not only the automobile industry but all industries that affect this environment are changing rapidly. You better change early, And Always stay ahead of others. This is also very important in business. If you like this post then share it with your friends and leave your comments about this post.

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3 responses to “How To Make 10 Crores Revenue from Eco Friendly Products”

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