
Unlock Your Best Self: Stop Wasting Time – Lessons from ‘Who Will Cry When You Die’

Unlock Your Best Self: Stop Wasting Time - Lessons from 'Who Will Cry When You Die'
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Hello friends for all of us life is only within a certain period of time what we do within this period determines our life. When you come into this world as a baby, you are born crying.  But have you ever thought that when you leave this world, will anyone else cry for you other than your family and friends or have you brought some new change to this world? The author of the book “Who Will Cry When You Die” says that asking yourself this type of question will tell you if you are on the right path.

One of the most painful things in this world is when we look back on our lives when we are about to die and die regretting that we have never done anything right. 

Thus many lessons have been told in this book so that we can live our lives very well and not die with so much regret on our deathbed. In this book, they would have said a lot about the importance of our time.  That is what we are going to see now in this blog.

The Oldman and The Light House

An old man was maintaining an old lighthouse. This lighthouse looks like an old dilapidated one but it was acting as a signal to the ships passing by to avoid hitting the rocks. The lighthouse uses oil as fuel so it was the old man’s job to fill it up. But this old man also had a little less oil.

But a neighbor came and asked if we could give him some oil because we don’t have oil to light the lamp in our house, but he didn’t have the heart to tell him that he couldn’t give it, so he gave some. Similarly, another traveler came to him and asked for some oil to light a lamp as he could not travel at night. As he did not have the heart to say no, he also gave him some oil. The next day another housewife came and asked him to give him some oil as there was no oil to light the house because it was dark and the children could not eat. He didn’t have the heart to say that he couldn’t do it here too, so he gave the girl some oil too.

As this sample of oil was given to others, there was not enough oil to light the lighthouse, so many ships were wrecked along the way, and many died. Similarly in our life we ​​have a goal and we should be traveling towards it.

Time is Everything

Thus our time is not in our control if we continue to allow these kinds of distractions without understanding the change in our lives and not taking it seriously. The author says that if we look back at our lives, we have been doing things that we don’t like throughout our lives.

The author says that it is because we forget our priorities and this kind of pain shifts that when we look back on our deathbed we regret that we were not able to do what we set out to do. We have to connect the old man’s limited oil with the limited times of our lives. We must take the time in our lives to be fully focused on what we want to become.

For example, let’s take the life expectancy of an average person as 70. At the age of 70, 24 years will pass in sleep.  For the next 20-30 years, our breakfast, food, and entertainment will go to these.  The remaining 10-15 years will be the time for us to run and work for our lives. As a human being, it is only about 10 to 15 years that we are able to do the work we love in a meaningful way. 


“If you don’t value your time, someone will rob it from you”. So if you want to create a legacy and be an important figure in history you must use your time very precisely. Prove to the world what you can do and the world will remember you even when you are gone. If you like this post then share it with your friends and leave your comments about this post in the comment section.

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One response to “Unlock Your Best Self: Stop Wasting Time – Lessons from ‘Who Will Cry When You Die’”

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