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7 Habits to Unlock Genius: Think Like Da Vinci

7 Habits to Unlock Genius: Think Like Da Vinci
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Hello friends this modern day world everyone can do everything even if there is such a profession we all make the same career choice and follow it. Although we have this kind of freedom, some of us have made the same career choices and are doing our jobs. (Think Like Da Vinci)

But some people in this world don’t consider only one skill and many people have many skills and one of them is Da Vinci who in the 14th century had no profession that he didn’t know. He has done almost multiple professional work.  That is, an Inventor, Painter, Architect, Scientist, Sculpture, Mathematician Engineer, writer, etc. has worked like this. He has proved his expertise in many such fields. Not only this, he is the one who painted the Mona Lisa, which is very famous in this world. So, how can our Da Vinci be an expert in many fields like this? They have written such a paragraph in a book. In that book, they say that if we follow seven steps, we can become an expert like this. The name of the book is Think Like DaVinci. Friends, we will look at this book and the instructions in it in this blog today.

Cultivate Curiosity

Cultivate Curiosity

Curiosity is the engine of achievement. Leonardo was insatiable about the world around him, constantly asking questions and seeking to understand how things work. To develop this trait: Ask Questions: Develop a habit of questioning everything. Adopt a mindset that seeks to understand rather than accept. Journal: Keep a notebook to jot down your thoughts, questions, and observations. This can stimulate deeper thinking and creativity.

Test Knowledge Through Experience

Leonardo believed in learning through experience rather than merely accepting information. Embrace the scientific method in your daily life by Experimenting: Test your ideas in the real world. Don’t be afraid to fail; each failure is a learning opportunity. Critical Thinking: Analyze your experiences and learn from them. Reflect on what worked and what didn’t, and why.

Sharpen Your Senses

Sharpen Your Senses

Da Vinci emphasized the importance of honing all five senses to enhance the richness of experience. To do this:Observation: Practice seeing details that others miss. Engage in activities that require close attention to detail. Mindfulness: Engage your senses fully in daily activities. Be present and aware of your surroundings, tastes, sounds, and textures.

Embrace Uncertainty

Sfumato, which means “going up in smoke,” refers to the ability to embrace ambiguity and paradox. Da Vinci’s art exemplifies this principle through its subtle gradations and blending. Cultivate sfumato by Comfort with Ambiguity: Accept that not all questions have clear answers. Embrace the unknown as a source of wonder rather than fear. Creative Thinking: Allow your mind to explore possibilities without rushing to conclusions.

Balance Art and Science

Leonardo’s genius was his ability to integrate art and science, logic and imagination. To achieve this balance: Whole-Brain Thinking: Engage both your brain’s analytical and creative parts. Pursue activities that challenge both, such as drawing and problem-solving.Interdisciplinary Learning: Explore fields outside your comfort zone. Read broadly and seek connections between different disciplines

Cultivate Grace and Fitness

Cultivate Grace and Fitness

Leonardo viewed physical fitness as essential to intellectual development. To cultivate corporalità:Exercise: Maintain a regular exercise routine. Physical health supports mental acuity. Body Awareness: Develop a keen sense of how your body moves. Engage in dance, yoga, or martial arts activities to enhance coordination and grace.

Recognize and Appreciate the Interconnectedness of All Things

Recognize and Appreciate the Interconnectedness of All Things

Leonardo saw the interconnectedness of nature and sought to understand how different elements influence one another. To foster this awareness: Systems Thinking: Look for patterns and relationships in different aspects of life. Understand how changes in one area can impact others. Holistic Perspective: Approach problems and opportunities with a broad perspective. Consider the wider implications of your actions and decisions.


By adopting these seven principles from Michael J. Gelb’s “How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci,” you can unlock your potential for genius. Curiosity, experimentation, sensory awareness, embracing uncertainty, balancing art and science, physical fitness, and recognizing interconnectedness are keys to thinking like the great master himself. These steps provide a roadmap for anyone looking to enrich their life and expand their intellectual horizons. Start today, and see where your journey to genius takes you.

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